Behavioral Leadership Training for Schools
We provide consultation and training services for schools and classrooms.
Behavioral Leadership Classroom Training
When used cumulatively, the procedures and strategies learned during Behavioral Leadership Classroom Training are a comprehensive way of creating a calm, loving, inclusive environment where students can learn, be engaged, feel safe, and love being in the classroom. Scott can provide three days of training for your entire school or district, or you can attend a public conference.
The Relationship-Building and Control-Sharing Procedures learned during conferences and professional development sessions can be put in place immediately in the classroom. Teachers will receive a lesson plan for when to implement each procedure.
The curriculum of these three days of professional development is the same content contained in Scott's new ASCD book.
Training At-A-Glance
3-day training specific to managing a classroom
Bring Scott to your school or attend a public conference
Classroom Coaching
Teachers and aides who have received Behavioral Leadership Classroom Training can then become BLC Coaches. Coaches are able to train others who have had BLC Training to hone the use of their BLC strategies and procedures through the use of the ABC, 123 Coaching Process and the BLC Scorecard.
Over the course of three days, BLC Coaches observe and debrief with three to four teachers and aides who would like to become school-based coaches for their buildings. By the end of this process, the school-based coaches will be able to coach other BLC trained school staff for in-person, remote, or blended learning.
This process is performed during regular school hours and does not require additional professional development time.
Coaching At-A-Glance:
Complete Behavioral Leadership Classroom Training to become a coach
Train other teachers in your school to become BLC Coaches
Common Area Training
Schools that take part in Common Area Training will learn how to create calm, loving, peaceful environments and reduce negative behaviors in school common areas through systematic and explicit auditing, training, and Real-Time Coaching.
This positive environment creation and negative behavior reduction is achieved through the use of common area Relationship-Building Procedures and Strategies and Control-Sharing Procedures and Strategies. These procedures and strategies systematically encourage positive behaviors while making all negative behaviors non-functional for all students while in school common areas such as lunchrooms, playgrounds, and hallways.
While these procedures and strategies align with those taught for use in the classroom, Behavioral Leadership Classroom Training is not necessary for schools to utilize Common Area Training.
Training At-A-Glance:
Schedule an audit and training for your school common areas
Scott will coach teachers in real-time on how to reduce negative behaviors in school common areas
A school completes The Common Area Training process in one week:
Day 1
Day 2
Audit Document/BLCA Training Creation
Day 3
Days 4 & 5
Real-Time Coaching