Kid Whisperer Nation Teacher Tips #6-10
Kid Whisperer Nation Teacher Tip #6
Having a drink in your hands is a great teacher prop that can help you to project calm, show that you take good care of yourself, project your attitude about the problems of students, and can allow you time to calm down if obnoxious behaviors are present.
So keep a drink in your hands whenever you can, even if you are instructing. That way if a kid tries to argue or tries some ridiculous behavior, you can slowly take a long sip of liquid instead of reacting. This says to everyone, "I am calm, this is your problem, I take care of myself, and you are going to fix this yourself."
You accomplish this all by doing something that you like doing anyway!
Kid Whisperer Nation Teacher Tip #7
Having a snack in your hands is a great teacher prop that can help you to project calm, show that you take good care of yourself, project your attitude about the problems of students, and can allow you time to calm down if obnoxious behaviors are present.
So keep food in your hands whenever you can, even if you are instructing. That way if a kid tries to argue or tries some ridiculous behavior, you can slowly take a bite of some food instead of reacting. This says to everyone, "I am calm, this is your problem, I take care of myself, and you are going to fix this yourself."
You accomplish this all by doing something that you like doing anyway!
Kid Whisperer Nation Teacher Tip #8
Here's one for teachers who have kids who eat breakfast at school or for adults who work in lunchrooms. Instead of telling kids to finish eating, say the following. It assumes intelligence and compliance.
For younger kids:
"Three big bites, three big sips, you know what to do."
For older kids:
"Check out the clock. You know what to do."
Kid Whisperer Nation Teacher Tip #9
Literally patting kids on the head has gone away as a means of building relationships with kids and I want to help to bring it back. Of course, there is risk involved with this and don't do it if it is specifically prohibited by your district or school, or if you are uncomfortable with it, but I do this all the time to congratulate kids or to let them know that I like them as people. Hint: Don't pat them multiple times on the top of the head like a doofus. One tap on the back of the head when things are going well will do it.
Kid Whisperer Nation Teacher Tip #10
Change Your Paradigm Part IV
THEY are responsible for THEIR behavior.
What a ridiculous thought it is to think that you are actually responsible for another person's actions! If you have Behavioral Leadership skills, you will be able to hold the kids in your room responsible for their own behavior.